Once a year, in late July, the herd of Virginia ponies is rounded up to swim across the narrow channel from Assateague to Chincoteague at low tide, escorted by saltwater cowboys riding into the water.

This July marks the 94th season of Pony Penning, the biggest event of the year on Chincoteague Island, Virginia, and a tradition dating back to 1925. This annual week of events includes the Pony Swim across the channel between the islands, the Fireman’s Carnival, and the famous Pony Auction. People of all ages look forward to the festival, some excited to bid on their own “Misty” foal to bring home.

Anyone who ever read Misty of Chincoteague, the iconic children’s book by Marguerite Henry, knows the story of this annual roundup. The book, originally published in 1947, made the event and surrounding community internationally famous. The story of the wild pony Phantom and her foal Misty became an instant classic, enjoyed by generations of families, many of whom make the trip to see Pony Penning first hand.

After their short swim, the ponies come ashore on the east side of Chincoteague Island and onto Pony Swim Lane, where they rest before being herded by the saltwater cowboys through town to the carnival grounds. There, the ponies relax and await the next day’s auction.

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Annie Switzer Author
Annie Switzer

I live in Bethesda MD with my family. I’ve been managing my vacation rentals in Delaware & Virginia full time since 2006. “Bayside at Bethany Lakes 56” is a female owned small business. I am active in the vacation rental profession managing a large owner’

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